In the video below, Prof Andrew Knight discusses a study conducted in 2006 on 34 plant based cats compared to 52 meat based cats. The study found out that there were no differences in their body conditioning/health status. The proper balance of nutrients is essential when feeding your pets. Animals (and humans) need a certain combination of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water every day in order to function normally. Balanced nutrition is no accident – pet food manufacturers work hard to determine the exact formula that goes into their products so that they provide everything your pets needs on a daily basis. Study Re: Vegan Cat Food - Wakefield L et al (2006) . The study found...
Many of us contemplated getting a puppy at some point. It is an extremely exciting and fun time for great many reasons. This is also the most important life stage of a dog, because that's when she develops new habits, which last a lifetime. This includes behavioral habits as well as their food preference. If you give them kibble - they will get used to dry food. If you provide moist food in cans, they will develop a preference to wet food. If you feed them a raw meat diet, they will develop a preference to raw meat. If you are vegan and considering getting a puppy, then feeding a puppy a meat-based diet certainly presents an ethical challenge. But can...
Diarrhea is common in dogs. For example when dogs eat something they aren’t supposed to, when eating too much of something, or when switching from one diet to another they often get diarrhea. Loose stools are common and unpleasant. But really easy to solve. With digestive enzymes. Diarrhea is a sign of poor digestion, and there is one very effective way to improve digestion – with digestive enzymes. What are Enzymes? Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts, which speed up reactions in the body. Digestive enzymes break down large molecules into smaller molecules that are absorbed by the body much easier and thus enable better digestion/absorption. If your dog or cat is experience gastro problems, try adding Enzyme Miracle –...
Evolution Diet recently updated their best-selling Gourmet Maximum life formula - Maximum Life is now not only non-GMO, but it also contains organic ingredients: Organic Soy Beans Organic Soybean Oil Maximum Life is now lighter in color and smells slightly differently. With this change we recommend transitioning to the new Maximum Life formula gradually. We advise mixing the old food with the updated formula using 2 : 1 ratio (2 parts of old food to 1 part new Max Life). Then gradually replacing all the old food with the new Max Life. You may also consider adding pNooch (nutritional yeast for pets) for cheesy flavour pNooch We welcome any question at --- More Information about Maximum Life What makes...
Is Vegan Food Healthy for My Dog? This is perhaps the most common question concerned guardians ask when discussing plant-based food for their dog. It is understandable too. Although our values and motivations play an important role in choosing a vegan food, we also want to be certain that it will be healthy for our companion animals. Let us examine this topic in more detail.