Clearance Items
Here you can find items are that are being cleared at reduced prices.
Prices shown below are regular prices, but once you apply the discount code (at the checkout), then the price will be adjusted accordingly. Each product shows their corresponding discount code.
Also check product label to see the reason for clearance. The reasons could be:
- expiry date - blue labels (up to 50% off)
- overstock - yellow labels (up to 20% off)
- promotion - green labels (15% off)
- damaged - red labels (5% off)
Some discounted items are available only in a specific warehouse. For example, you may see a label 'BC only', meaning that the item is only available in British Columbia warehouse. If you are in Ontario, and you see a 'BC only' label, then the item can still be shipped to you, but shipping could be more expensive.
Sorry, there are no products in this collection.