In the video below, Prof Andrew Knight discusses a study conducted in 2006 on 34 plant based cats compared to 52 meat based cats.
The study found out that there were no differences in their body conditioning/health status.
The proper balance of nutrients is essential when feeding your pets. Animals (and humans) need a certain combination of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water every day in order to function normally. Balanced nutrition is no accident – pet food manufacturers work hard to determine the exact formula that goes into their products so that they provide everything your pets needs on a daily basis.
Study Re: Vegan Cat Food - Wakefield L et al (2006)
The study found out that there were no differences in their body conditioning/health status.
One important note re: further investigation into the blood values of vital nutrients Taurin & Cobalamin - Taurin levels were fine in all the plant based cats whereas the B-vitamin (Cobalamin) was fine in all cats except 3 of them who were fed table scraps.
Thus further accentuates the point that table scraps are not nutritionally complete and hinders the growth of your pets in the long run.
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