In her interview Dr. May (DVM) explained that there are many common practices for cats that do not happen in nature. For example: > Living in a house or an apartment VS. roaming the wilderness > Regular eating intervals provided by pet guardians VS. gorging in anticipation of long periods of hunger/starvation in nature > Eating pre-made dry kibble or wet food in cans VS. hunting mice, lizards, critters etc. in nature > Health checks at the vet’s office VS. taking care of own wounds/illnesses in nature > Being spayed or neutered VS. intact cats searching for a mating partner This list illustrates that although some common practices do not happen in nature, they are are widely used for the benefits...
A commercial pet food supplier, ADM Animal Nutrition, recently published a report recognizing validity of plant ingredients in cat food and advising their inclusion in cat food formulations. That's great news, but let's pause for a second. A commercial pet food supplier advocating for plant-based ingredients? Well, that's rather odd. Most pet food suppliers supply meat-based products and advocate the inclusion of meat-based constituents. Their objective is usually to make the optimal food for cats, with high palatability, not necessarily the most ethical food. That is why it's unusual to have a pet food ingredient supplier advocating plant-based ingredients and backing up their claims with research. So what does ADM say in their report? ADM Animal Nutrition Report In their report ADM...
Explaining to your friends and family that your cat (or dog) is now vegan is tough. Our family and friends don’t have the benefit of seeing the research we’ve done prior to switching, and they certainly don’t see all the pros and cons we’ve carefully weighted. They simply “know” that cats/dogs need meat. And they are not wrong, since that’s the very definition of an obligate carnivore to hunt prey and eat flesh. They may also think you’ve gone a little too far with the whole vegan lifestyle and saving animals 'thing'. Others may even start thinking you are downright crazy and call you animal abuser, since you “force your believes” on your poor cat/dog to eat only lettuce, tomatoes...
Did you know there are at least 10 websites + 29 physical locations where you can get vegan pet food in the US & Canada? When Vecado ran a poll and asked what’s the most difficult thing about vegan pet food, pet guardians said availability. They said it’s hard to find stores that carry vegan pet food, and that shipping from online outlets is expensive. So we created this guide to help locate outlets (Stores and Online) to make vegan pet food easier to find. While vegan dog food is available in specialized stores, vegan cat food can be hard to find. The two tables below (one for Canada and one for the US) clearly show where to find vegan cat...
Why should we care about bioaccumulation? Bioaccumulation refers to the gradual accumulation of substances, such as pesticides or other chemicals, in an organism. Bio-accumulation is responsible for large levels of toxins in our cats and dogs, contributing to a host of health issues. In recognition of the unique roles that pets play in our lives, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) undertook a study [1] in 2008 to investigate the extent of exposure pets face to contaminants. The study found that dogs and cats were contaminated with 48 of 70 industrial chemicals tested. For dogs, blood and urine samples were contaminated with 35 chemicals altogether, including 11 carcinogens, 31 chemicals toxic to the reproductive system, and 24 neurotoxins. The carcinogens are...