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Top reasons your pets can be vegan too! What the latest research says.

As a devoted pet guardian, you strive to provide the loving care for your furry companion. However, one of the most complex ethical dilemmas you may face is whether to opt for meat-based pet food or to explore plant-based alternatives.  You understand that your pets' health, happiness, and longevity are important factors to consider but you feel uneasy having to continue to support the meat industry through purchasing pet food. You ask yourself: "Can my home be completely free of animal-based products and be assured that my pets will be happy and healthy on a plant-based diet?" Well, you may be relieved to know that there is a solution to this conundrum! Contrary to popular belief, feeding your pets a plant-based diet is not only feasible but...

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I am vegan, but can my companion animal be vegan too?

"I want to live my vegan values, but also have a responsibility toward my companion animal to provide him/her with best possible nutrition..." You care about all living beings and the planet, and this is why you joined this exciting global vegan movement. You are leading a healthy lifestyle and are happy to cook delicious vegan meals for yourself and your family. In fact, the only meat-based product that you will find in your home is your companion animal's food. This creates a dilemma. One one hand, you wish your household was completely vegan. On the other hand, you have a responsibility to provide the best nutrition to your beloved cat and dog. Veganism works for you, but would it...

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How Vegan Diets work for Dogs and Cats?

  Plant Ingredients + Supplementation = Complete Nutrition Plants can provide most of the nutrients dogs and cat required - proteins, fats, fibre, vitamins and minerals. There are certain nutrients, such as taurine, arachidonic acid etc., that are only available in minute quantities in plants, and therefore must be supplemented. and MOST MODERN PET FOODS ARE SUPPLEMENTED Nearly ALL MEAT-BASED formulas are SUPPLEMENTED, because natural nutrients, such as taurine, are baked out during the high-temperature preparation. Synthetic taurine is added to nearly all pet foods. Vegan formulas are designed by certified nutritionists in accordance with the same standards as meat-based formulas and therefore they contain all required nutrients. From the perspective of nutritional standards vegan and meat-based formulas are not that much...

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Transition Tips

It may seem like a difficult task, but switching your dog or cat from a meat-based diet to a complete and balanced plant-based one is nothing to worry about. The good news is that it can be done very easily over a period of two weeks. While some sensitive animals may need longer time and extra care, vast majority of cats and dogs of all ages and sizes do very well when transitioned with the proper guidelines. But why switch to a vegan diet? There are a number of benefits for cats and dogs that come with a plant-based diet: ✔️Provides all nutrients for cats & dogs ✔️Makes their coat healthy and shiny ✔️Reduces bad breath ✔️Normalizes body weight ...and...

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How long do Vegan Cats live? 🕒

Some people believe that vegan diets for cats cause malnourishment and as a result shorter lifespan. A 2021 study conducted by the researchers from University of Guelph (Canada) with 874 cats could not confirm shorter lifespan for cats on a vegan diet. Instead, the researchers found that cats on a vegan diet live just as long as cats fed a meat-based diet. This research connects nicely with the prior research (see reference section on Vegan Cats 101 page). The previous studies point to a general conclusion that cats can be vegan on a complete plant-based diet. The current study builds on this research and takes it one step further, by looking at lifespan of cats. Veterinarian Dr. Sarah Dodd spearheaded this...

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